Two blokes taking on the cricket industry

Cooper and Nathan the directors of Idoneus Sports

Why cricket & why us?

The beginning of Cricket’s best partnership

At the heart of our story lies a shared passion for Cricket between two mates, sparking the inception of our journey. Fuelled by the desire to offer top-notch equipment at local prices, we envisioned supporting the underdogs in the game.

Owning our brand has been a longstanding dream, and doing it together adds an extra layer of joy. Our friendship, forged on the cricket field in Western Australia's grade cricket, transformed into a partnership dedicated to making quality cricket gear accessible.

Specialising in the 4's, our on-field performance might have leaned towards ball dominance rather than batting prowess, but our shared obsession with cricket equipment never wavered. This passion drove us to identify a gap in the market, leading to the creation of cricket shoes that cater precisely to our needs.

Nathan, with a background in Exercise and Sport Science and a Masters in Exercise Physiology, brought forth the technological and ergonomic marvels that grace the shelves today. Cooper, leveraging expertise in sales, marketing, and business administration, ensures our cricket shoes reach players nationwide, with ambitious plans for further expansion.

Our journey is a testament to the perfect blend of technical know-how and business acumen. We invite you to join us as we continue to redefine the cricket gear landscape. It's not just about shoes; it's a shared adventure where passion meets purpose.